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On the occasion of the official 200th anniversary celebrations, this documentary is the first cinematic journey through the rooms, stories and emotions of one of the most visited museums in the world. Its wealth of over 8000 art treasures is a spell-binding experience drawing almost 3 million visitors to Madrid every year. Magnificent masterpieces tell the story of Spain and of an entire continent. We are in one of the temples of world art. Its collection tells the story of kings, queens, dynasties, wars, defeats and victories, as well as the story of the feelings and emotions of the men and women of yesteryear and of today, whose lives are intertwined with the museum’s: rulers, painters, artists, architects, collectors, curators, intellectuals, visitors. This heritage is universal and includes the works of Vélazquez, Rubens, Titian, Mantegna, Bosch, Goya, El Greco, to name just a few. Oscar winning actor Jeremy Irons will be guiding spectators on a discovery of a heritage of beauty and art.


7.9 (252人评价)

芋头:“露天电影看得,挺好”(2024-04-12 浙江)

寻找凉宫春日:“比较深入的一部纪录片,有关历史和画史的部分,我因为缺乏相关背景知识而感到吃力。有机会想去看看戈雅的画。人生如梦,万物有灵。”(2024-04-02 江苏)

梦旅人:“可能是美术馆太多太多珍藏,短短一个多小时难以概括,所以内容松散,只能略为介绍其中几位大师、几幅大作,连赫赫有名的《宫娥》也不过是匆匆带过而已。但是铁叔自带威仪的声音真是好听,光听着这把声音娓娓道来已经是享受。”(2024-03-21 广东)

xoyabc:““艺术是从灵魂中洗去日常生活中的尘埃。””(2021-03-14 )

Estrella:“戈雅在信上画了一幅丑丑的自画像 然后在旁边写así estoy(I’m like this) 瞬间就击中了我。艺术家永远是最纯粹最可爱最接近生命本源最难得的人 死亡算什么 艺术永恒”(2021-03-18 )



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